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Greetings Air Potato Patrol Members!

We are thrilled with the response we have gotten from the public so far. If any of you have a friend, neighbor or relative who you think would be interested in joining and getting involved please forward the website to them. In this first blog post I want to answer some questions that came up in the comments section of the contact forms everyone filled out.


Reviewing the Training Videos

All of the videos you watched during training are now available on Youtube at:

Reviewing these videos will help with air potato and beetle identification, along with the biology and habits of the beetles.

Survey Coming Soon

We will be sending out our first survey questions and directions very soon. Please watch your e-mail inbox for more information.

Miscellaneous Notes

Thanks for your questions and notes that you included in your contact form. Air potato beetles are not nocturnal, so you don’t have to survey for them at night.

Over time we will post more information on chemical and other controls for air potato vine, and information on how to follow Integrated Pest Management principles.

As always feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. Or, feel free to comment below.